The 7th Position

Bryan Housel is not impressed...

What Languages Have You Used Since You Started Programming?

Wow, that’s a long list.

At my first job, I mostly updated other people’s programs using C, C++, Visual Basic, and even a little FORTRAN.  I started to learn Ada, because at the time I thought it would be the next big thing.

Throughout college, I actually majored in Electrical Engineering, so we had to learn other kinds of programming languages that most programmers don’t bother with -- stuff like Labview, Maple, MATLAB, SPICE, and various assembly languages. In one class, we wrote a traffic light simulator in VHDL and burned that code onto FPGA chips, then hooked it up to little red, yellow, and green LEDs on a breadboard. And I took another fun class where we used Objective C to get a little Lego robot to navigate around obstacles without falling off a table.  I even won a t-shirt for that.

I also got a minor in Computer Science and, already knowing C, I was able to skip over a lot of courses. There were some classes using the more esoteric stuff like Prolog and Scheme -- those courses were fun for me.

For a while I had a job working at a company that sold a VRML and X3D toolkit built using C++ and OpenGL.  The parser library used Flex and Bison, which I count as actual languages worth knowing.  We also used some Tcl, Java, and JavaScript there.

I picked up all the usual web stuff along the way, learning HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript.  I also used PHP and Perl for some side projects.

My day job involves building enterprise legal applications.  The LawManager software that I use is written in Delphi, and uses VBScript as a scripting language. It also supports an older proprietary scripting language called EvLa, and I’m probably one of only a handful in the world who knows it.  The job also requires me to know a lot of SQL, both Microsoft T-SQL and Oracle PL/SQL variants.

For a while, I got really interested in C# and ASP.NET MVC.

But my current favorite language is Ruby I've built a few projects in Ruby on Rails.

Also, I don’t think you can exist in this business without knowing some shell scripting and regular expressions.